Author Bio



I’m the MentalAcademic. I am currently an MRC-funded PhD student at the University of Manchester, interested in the inter-relationships between serious mental illness, substance misuse, stigma and, suicidal thoughts and acts. This blog was originally set up to record my PhD journey, including my thoughts, ideas and reflections on the whole process, my research area, and topical policy/research developments in the field more widely.

More importantly, however, this blog was also set up with the intention of providing a platform for those with lived experiences of mental health issues, including those whom might be considered ‘marginalised’, or who feel that they cannot freely voice their opinions due to professional considerations. These people may include those I meet through my research work, fellow academics or clinical professionals who have personal experience of mental health issues, or those who just need a safe space to communicate their ideas. All personal or identifying information have been removed where necessary.

Finally, this blog was also set up with the purpose of exploring the complicated relationships between ‘patient’ and ‘professional’ identities, especially in the context of survivor research or clinical practice by those who have dual identities. It asks, should ‘patients’ have greater involvement and autonomy in the direction of research and/or practice as ‘experts by experience’; and, if so, how can we facilitate this involvement in a way that does not compromise their health or wellbeing? Patient and Public Involvement in research (PPI) will be a core component of my PhD throughout.

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